2383 California St, San Francisco, CA 94115
Convenient Hours: Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm

San Francisco Comprehensive Dentistry

Pacific Heights Dental - Full range San Francisco Comprehensive Dentistry.

At Pacific Heights Dental, we are proud to provide full San Francisco Comprehensive Dentistry. We offer a full range of services and procedures to our dental patients. Our expert team of professional San Francisco dentists can help you and your family with any of the of following treatments. Contact our Pacific Heights Dental Office today to learn more.

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Other Services We Provide

Bone Grafting

Dental Bonding

Dental Sealant

Deep Cleaning

Gum Charting / Diagnostics

Gum Grafting

Laser Dentistry

Laser Gum Therapy

Mercury / Amalgam Removal

Nitrous Oxide

Oral Surgery

Overbite & Underbite Correction

We are proud to offer the premier San Francisco Periodontist In-House as well as the top San Francisco Endodontist.

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Come in for a consultation with our premier dentist in San Francisco.

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