2383 California St, San Francisco, CA 94115
Convenient Hours: Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm

Dental Cleanings in San Francisco

Pacific Heights Dental are specialists in Dental Cleanings in San Francisco .

Regular visits to your dentist are a crucial part of maintaining good oral health. We here at Pacific Heights are specialists at dental cleanings in San Francisco and work with all our patients to make dental cleaning and exams as convenient as possible.

Our team of dentists and oral hygienists work in concert to give you world-class treatment from the time you book your appointment until you leave our office feeling fresh and polished.

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During your dental exam, your San Francisco dentist will examine your teeth for various signs of possible issues. However don't be concerned, like all medical issues, it's best to catch any problems early on to prevent major situations in the future. Our team of dentists and oral hygienists work in concert to give you world-class treatment from the time you book your appointment until you leave our office feeling fresh and polished.

What you can expect

While every patient's experience may vary, when you come to our Pacific Heights Dentist Office for your exam, you can expect some to the following procedures:


These images will help your doctor look for decay and bone-loss beneath the gums. It's also essential to check for proper tooth position before any procedures with our San Francisco Periodontist.

Tooth Decay

Your dentist will examine every tooth for signs of wear and decay. Catching this early can save you from expensive and stressful tooth loss.

Gum Disease

We'll examine your gums to make sure they are strong and healthy. If signs of periodontal disease are found, your dentist will help you set a treatment plan to help protect your teeth. Additional appointments may be necessary.

Restoration Checkup

Your dentist will check in on any fillings, implants, or bridges you might have, and make sure that they are still doing their job correctly. Regular check-ups on these devices regularly can significantly extend their usable life.

Oral Cancer Screening

With more severe conditions like oral cancer, early detection is critical to positive outcomes. Your dentist will do a thorough exam to keep you safe.

Schedule a Consultation

Come in for a consultation with our premier dentist in San Francisco.

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